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D&T gives pupils technical and practical experiences to develop essential skills for life. It draws on disciplines such as science, maths and art enabling them to think creatively and innovatively when solving problems and developing the skills needed to design and make finished products. Pupils enjoy deepening their knowledge by evaluating a wide range of products and understanding the impact that they have on the wider world. D&T promotes a safe working environment and builds respect by providing pupils with opportunities to work collaboratively.

Design and Technology is taught through topics in each year group, with some discrete teaching, particularly of skills such as using scissors and cutting safely.

What Design and Technology looks like in our school


In Key Stage 1 most of the learning takes place through topics but some Design and Technology lessons are taught independently to ensure full curriculum coverage. Children have access to an increasing range of materials and tools to develop their ideas. There is a wide range of construction kits available, some of which are used to challenge all abilities. Children develop their resilience and are encouraged to ask questions by following the process of design, make and evaluate.

In each Year 1 and Year 2 class children are provided with opportunities to look at healthy eating by making products such as healthy pizzas. Our dedicated Design and Technology area is used throughout the year to support this area of learning. Children can develop their food preparation skills using equipment like peelers, graters and juicers. This includes finding out where food comes from, nutritional information and food safety and hygiene. They can also bake and design their own food products from iced fairy cakes to decorated themed biscuits.

In Early Years the children create their own open-ended products that support their imaginative play such as making castles and cars out of large blocks and crates outside and they also have the opportunity to design and make junk models using recyclable materials in the workshop areas. They practise cutting activities using paper and card to develop scissor skills. They use various construction kits to develop their problem-solving skills within Design and Technology so they build, evaluate and improve their models. Although children have access to each area independently, challenges are included to ensure key skills are applied.

In each Nursery and Reception class a workshop area is available as part of continuous provision where children develop and practise skills independently. Children use a range of materials and are taught basic techniques such as joining, folding and safe use of simple tools.

Our WOW Experiences

Across Key Stage 1, children are given freedom to explore joining techniques through activities such as making puppets and minibeast pouches. Sewing opportunities are provided to ensure that children are challenged and make progress within their Design and Technology lessons. Cross curricular links are promoted by exploring 3D shapes to make Bonfire Night rockets using cones, cylinders and cuboids. In lessons, children create their own purposeful products by exploring a range of sliders, levers, and different mechanisms. They also make links to their local area by designing and making a bridge to go across the Bridgewater canal and explore how structures work and how they can be improved. To strengthen their understanding of wheels and axles, constructions kits are used in each year group with a focus on creating their own Victorian bathing machine at the end of Key Stage 1.

See what our children think about Design & Technology in Pupil Voice below.


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